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Issue:June' 2019


Making waves

M. R. Dua

Dasu Krishnamoorty The ninety-four Dasu Krishnamoorty, the author, of this tiny book, is a talented journalist. After his nearly five-decadelong active media exploits, Krishnamoorty seems to be making waves, and authoring books.
“The Seaside Bride and Other Stories” is his second book in English; besides his two other Telugu collections, his mother tongue. ‘The Seaside...’ is a bewitching recollection of his lifetime’s sundry events that makes refreshing reading, and in a jiffy transports the reader to his green days when he silently pursued romantic ventures and adventurous, besides numerous pathbreaking incidents of his career in journalism.
Spanned in three distinct sections, author’s narrative style at once arrests the reader’s attention, and the book becomes almost an unput downable companion of the reader. The carefully chiselled language, appropriately chosen idioms and titillating situations of the narrative are a delectable feature of the book.
In fact, the very title of the first story ‘Born to Doubt’ will put your mouth ajar, and you will say, ‘what?’ spurring you to race through all the eight pages in just a couple of minutes.
Having been born during early 1920’s, when births or deaths were not recorded, he had to produce official proof of his birth date.He approached the requisite department where officer asked: “What certificate, birth or death?” He brusquely said: “Neither,” but of “Doubt!” “What doubt?” “The birth of a doubt, sir.” His wife said, what he means is a certificate of date of birth, of which he was not sure. Five hundred rupees did the trick in just five minutes.
He sits on computer for over eight hours daily. “Old age is also a time to live the past, merely by reminiscing,’’ he avers. The ‘’Proof?” “The stories,” he tells us. All the stories published in this book were written in the U.S. ever since he migrated to live with only daughter’s family, after his wife’s death.
Of all the reminisces charmingly relived in the book. ‘The Seaside Bride,’ ‘Writer’s Maid’, and ‘The Girl Next Door will win the heart of the reader. An enjoyable read during a short rail, air journey.
The author’s recollection of names of places, people and the exact landmarks of his native town and other cities he lived during his professional career is amazing. Also, references to the matching situations of a particular story with those from famous novelists of the yore, such as Virginia Wolf, D.H. Lawrence, Raymond Carver, John Cheever, R.K. Narayan-- the only Indian writer he names- adds to the charm of the book.
Some of the stories can be developed into full-fledged books of fiction. One hopes Krishnamoorty will soon weave tales on his experiences in the US.

The ninety-four Dasu Krishnamoorty, the author of this tiny book, is a talented journalist. After his nearly five-decade-long active media exploits, Krishnamoorty seems to be making waves and authoring books.